Friday, August 30, 2013

Pre 2013 harvest update

1. We started construction on our winery this week (finally!!). Work is under way and progressing well. The old house is barely recognizable we have retreated to the Airstream for our accommodations… We have been at the county offices this week working through further permitting issues to get a complete green light and have been making progress. We are still operating under a plan for a January opening of our winery and interim tasting room, so long as the county bureaucrats and mother nature line up correctly with the stars…

2. We bottled our 2012 Grey Palm Estate Zinfandel and our 2012 Don Miguel Vineyard Pinot Noir 8/21! Finally, some red wine in the bottles… Mike and I worked very hard over the past several days to bring the wine out of barrels and get it prepared. The bottling went without a hitch thanks to their thorough planning and execution. Fellow investor Natalie Nickell was present to represent all of you owners and we all enjoyed witnessing this milestone in our young company’s development.